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Using the Go URL

Siebel Analytics Web's Go URL is for use in incorporating specific Siebel Analytics results into external portals or applications. This is the URL used when you add a result to your favorites, or add a link to a request to your dashboard or an external Web site. It has a number of forms and optional arguments that can be used to control its behavior.

The Go command can be posted as a Form, or as issued as a URL. If you are issuing parameters as part of a URL, they need to be escaped properly. Spaces need to be replaced with plus ( + ) signs, and so on. For example, to pass East Region as a value, you type East+Region.

When called from within a Siebel Analytics Web page, such as a dashboard or an HTML result view, the URL should begin with this:


When called from another page on the same Web server, the URL should begin with this:


When referenced from a page on a different server (or sent through email, and so on), it should begin with the fully qualified server name or IP address:


To test these commands, you can enter the fully qualified version into the Address field in Internet Explorer 5.

About the Basic Go URL

The basic Go URL needs the full Web Catalog path to the request you want to execute. It will return the default result view, as defined in the request.

For example, this returns the default result view as defined in the request, where SB2 is the name of the request to execute.


Optional Parameters

You can modify the behavior of Go by adding one or more of the following parameters. If an invalid URL is specified (for example, you type a parameter incorrectly), the browser will display a "The page cannot be found" error with the detailed text of "HTTP 400 - Bad Request."

NOTE:  In parameter descriptions, SB2 is the name of the request to execute.

Displaying All Records in a Table

There are two ways to display all the records in the table:


 Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003