Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Analytics Web Security >

Administering Web Groups

When you create a Web Group, a group folder is automatically created in the catalog, to which all members of the Web Group are given Read permissions.

To create a Web Group

  1. In Siebel Answers, click the Admin hyperlink.
  2. Click the Manage Web Groups and Users hyperlink.
  3. Under Existing Web Groups, scroll down and click the Create a new Web Group link.
  4. The Create Web Group page appears.

  5. Enter a name for the group in the Group Name text box.
  6. The name of the Web Group must not match the name of any user who will log on to Siebel Analytics Web. This match is not case sensitive. For example, the user name FOO2 matches the Web Group named foo2 or FoO2. If a user and a Web Group share the same name, the user will receive an Invalid Account message when attempting to log on to Siebel Analytics Web.

    NOTE:  If the name of a Siebel Analytics Server group (which is set up in the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool) matches the name of a Web Group, members of the Siebel Analytics Server group automatically become members of the Web Group when they log on to Siebel Analytics Web. Their membership ceases when they log off. The name of the user never appears to a Web administrator as a member of the Web Group. The user appears only as a member of the Authenticated Users group. If you prefer to use Web Group names that match Siebel Analytics Server group names, but want users to be viewable as members of the group, with persistent group membership, you must explicitly add the users to the Web Group using the Web Security: Groups and Users page.

  7. (Optional). Enter a password for the group in the Password text box, and in the Verify Password text box type the password again.
  8. Users will be prompted for the password when they attempt to join the group.

  9. In the Dashboard Name text box, type a name for the Dashboard.
  10. You can assign an existing dashboard to the Web Group or create a new dashboard for the Web Group. Whichever option you choose, all members of the Web Group are granted Read access to the designated, default dashboard. If you do not want to create a dashboard now you can create one later from the Manage Dashboards page.

    If you do create a new, empty dashboard, it is created within a new, like-named shared folder. Group members will have Read permission to this folder.

  11. In the Dashboard Builder box, specify the name of the user or group that will have permission to change the contents of the dashboard.
  12. Separate multiple entries with a comma, for example, user1,salesgroup.

  13. Click Finished.

NOTE:  Siebel Analytics Web will automatically give a newly created Web Group Read permission to the automatically created group folder. For manually created group folders, you should set the permissions to the Group folder for the appropriate groups to Read.

To delete a Web Group

  1. In Siebel Answers, click the Admin hyperlink.
  2. Click the Manage Web Groups and Users hyperlink.
  3. Under Existing Web Groups, in the Web Groups table, locate the group you want to delete and click the Delete icon.
  4. The Confirm Group Deletion page appears.

  5. Click Yes to confirm the delete.
  6. In the Web Security: Groups and Users page, click Finished.

NOTE:  The procedure for deleting a Web Group does not delete any group definitions in a Siebel Analytics Repository.

To add a user or group to an existing group

  1. In Siebel Answers, click the Admin hyperlink.
  2. Click the Manage Web Groups and Users hyperlink.
  3. Under Existing Web Groups, in the Web Groups table, locate the group whose membership you want to change,
  4. Click the Edit icon.
  5. The Edit Web Group page appears.

  6. In the Group Membership area, click the Add New Member link.
  7. The Add Member to Group page appears.

  8. In the Member Name box, type the name of the user or group you want to add and click the Add Member button.
  9. The Edit Web Group page appears. The Group Membership area now shows the list of the current members of the group.

  10. Click Finished.

To delete a user or group from an existing group

  1. In Siebel Answers, click the Admin hyperlink.
  2. Click the Manage Web Groups and Users hyperlink.
  3. Under Existing Web Groups, in the Web Groups table, locate the group whose membership you want to change and click the Edit icon.
  4. The Edit Web Group page appears.

  5. Under Group Membership, in the Members table, locate the member you want to delete and click the Remove icon.
  6. (Optional) At the Edit Web Group page, change the password for the group.
  7. Click Finished.

NOTE:  The user name Administrator cannot be deleted.

To change the password for a group

  1. In Siebel Answers, click the Admin hyperlink.
  2. Click the Manage Web Groups and Users hyperlink.
  3. Under Existing Web Groups, in the Web Groups table, locate the group whose password you want to change and click the Edit icon.
  4. The Edit Web Group page appears. The Password and Verify Password boxes will be blank.

  5. Under Group Properties, in the Password box, type the new password.
  6. In the Verify Password box, type the password a second time to verify it.
  7. Click Finished.

To delete a user from Siebel Analytics Web

  1. Under Authenticated Web Users, in the Web User and Group Membership table, locate the user you want to delete and click the Delete icon.
  2. The Confirm User Deletion page appears.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the delete.
  4. In the Web Security: Groups and Users page, click Finished.

NOTE:  The procedure for deleting a user from Siebel Analytics Web does not delete any user definitions in a Siebel Analytics Repository. If the user logs on again, their entry will be recreated.

 Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003