Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide > Administering the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog >

About Automatic Backups

The default location for the Web Catalog is \SiebelAnalyticsData\Web\Catalog. Siebel Analytics Web maintains automatic Web Catalog backup files and the version file in this location. Web Catalog backup files are useful when the Siebel Analytics Web administrator is customizing or testing Siebel Analytics Web content. The version file is used to help maintain Web Catalog integrity.

For information about changing the location of the Web Catalog, see Changing the Name and Location of the Siebel Analytics Web Catalog.

Backup Files

By default, Siebel Analytics Web performs a Web Catalog backup every five minutes. The backup files are saved into the same location as the in-use Web Catalog. Automatic backups are identified by nnn.autosave appended to the Web Catalog name, where nnn represents the sequential number assigned to the backup.

For example, in Windows, if the path to the Web Catalog is:


then the third backup file is:


The default number of Web Catalog backup files is 10. After 10 Web Catalog backup files have been created, the backup process reuses the sequential numbers. For example, the 11th Web Catalog backup file takes the extension 01.autosave, and replaces the Web Catalog backup file that had this extension previously.

You can control the number of automatic Web Catalog backup files and the interval between them. For more information, see Setting the Number of Automatic Backups of the Web Catalog and Setting the Number of Minutes Between Backups of the Web Catalog.

The Version File

Information about the last known good Web Catalog backup is stored in a file ending in .version. For example, in Windows, using the example locations shown in the preceding section, the current version of SiebelAnalytics.webcat would be tracked in:


The version file is interrogated during Siebel Analytics Web startup:

The version file is updated during Siebel Analytics Web shutdown. After a successful shutdown, the version file includes an entry indicating that the Web Catalog was successfully written to the original catalog path.

NOTE:  The Siebel Analytics Web shutdown process does not create a Web Catalog backup file.

 Siebel Analytics Web Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003