Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide > Customizing Workflow Policies with Siebel Tools >

Defining a Workflow Policy Object

A workflow policy object is defined by its parent-child relationship to workflow policy components and workflow policy component columns. A workflow policy object is a collection of workflow policy components. Each workflow policy object has one and only one primary workflow policy component. All the other workflow policy components of a workflow policy object are related to the primary workflow policy component, either directly or indirectly. A workflow policy component defines a database table that includes those columns you would like to monitor. Workflow policy component relationships are based on their corresponding table relationships. A workflow policy component column is the specific column that is available for monitoring.

Each of these workflow policy components can expose any number of workflow policy component columns. In the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, a workflow policy component column is a child object of a workflow policy component, which is a child object of a workflow policy object.

Follow these steps when you need to create a new workflow policy object.

To define a new workflow policy object

  1. Open Siebel Tools and go to the Workflow Policy Object view.
  2. Select the Workflow Policy Object applet.
  3. Navigate to Edit >New Record and a row for a new record appears. Add the information for the new record in the appropriate fields.
  4. Select the Workflow Policy Components applet. Add your primary workflow policy component and designate it as primary in the Primary field.
  5. CAUTION:  You can have one, and only one, primary workflow policy component.

  6. Add more workflow policy components and correctly define relationships to your primary workflow policy component.
  7. Select the Workflow Component Columns applet. Add your workflow policy component columns for each of your workflow policy components.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide 
 Published: 29 May 2003