Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide > Designing Workflow Processes >

Activating a Process

When you have defined and tested a workflow process, you can make it available for use by changing the status to Active.

To activate a process

  1. Select the process in the All Processes view.
  2. Click the Activate button.
  3. This checks the syntax for validity, registers runtime events if used, and changes the status of the process to Active. It also changes the status of the previous active version to Outdated.

When a process with runtime events specified is activated, you will also need to load the runtime events. Navigate to Runtime Events Administration, then click the applet menu and select Reload Personalization. This will load the runtime events in the current object manager session. For more information, see Personalization Administration Guide.

 Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide 
 Published: 29 May 2003