Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Product Distribution > About Controlling Product Distribution >

About Account Market Segments

If you have multiple channel partners operating in the same locale, such as a shopping mall, you may want them to carry different sets of products to avoid unnecessary price reductions that ultimately erode the brand equity of your products. Companies in this situation, generally apparel and footwear manufacturers, determine the product mix that an account should carry based on the market segment of the account.

With Siebel Consumer Sector applications, you can use account personalization attributes to selectively display an account catalog with only the product categories and products that fit the account's market segment.

Administrators or key account managers can tag your company's products and accounts with the attributes Account Channel and Product Differentiator. The Account Channel determines which type of distribution channel the account belongs to, such as Apparel Specialty or Sporting Goods. The Product Differentiator determines the type of products the account should carry, such as Elite, Entry, or Performance.

Siebel Consumer Sector applications' prebuilt personalization rules control the content available, while end users create assortment plans for each account.

There are a number of predefined account personalization rules in the standard Siebel Consumer Sector applications. However, these rules can be modified by marketing administrators or business analysts to fit your company's specific business needs.

 Siebel Consumer Sector Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003