Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Sales Volume Planning > Administrator Procedures for Sales Volume Planning >

Setting Up Category-Product Hierarchies

You must establish explicit category-product hierarchies before beginning the sales volume planning process. Categories and products that are participants in sales volume planning must have a single designated sales volume planning parent category.

To set up category-product hierarchies

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Catalog Administration > All Categories.
  2. In the Categories list, add a new record and complete the necessary fields.
  3. Some of the fields in a Categories record are described in the following table.

    Category Name
    The name of the category in the category-product hierarchy.
    Parent SVP Category Name
    The parent sales volume planning name of the category (for example, All Products). This field is automatically populated when category-subcategory relationships are established later.
    SVP Level
    The sales volume planning level of the category. This field is automatically filled in when an association to a subcategory is made.
    A description of the category-product hierarchy.
    Effective Start Date
    The starting date and time of the category.
    Effective End Date
    The ending date and time of the category.
    Catalog Name
    The name of the catalog associated with category-product hierarchy.

  4. Repeat Step 2 until all categories are specified, and then associate products to the appropriate subcategory level.

Associating Products to Categories

After establishing your multiple-category hierarchy, you associate products to each of the appropriate categories. You should only associate products at the lowest level of the category hierarchy. While adding products to the upper levels of the category hierarchy is possible, it is not a recommended activity and is not enforced during SVP Actions.

To associate products with categories

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Catalog Administration > All Categories.
  2. In the Categories list, select a category.
  3. Drill down on the Category Name hyperlink until you reach the lowest level sub-category.
  4. The Product Catalog Category Detail Administration view appears.

  5. In the Products list, add a new record.
  6. In the Add Internal Products dialog box, choose a product or products and click Add.
  7. In the Products list, select the product or products for which you want to designate an SVP parent category.
  8. Click SVP Adopt.
  9. The SVP Adoptee field of the selected product is automatically populated with a check mark. This product now has the selected parent category as its SVP parent. The other products in the Products list, for which the SVP Adoptee field is unchecked, are not active products for the parent category. They will not appear in sales volume planning that concerns the parent category.

Adjusting Category, Subcategory and Product Hierarchies for Sales Volume Planning

An SVP Parent Category can have multiple subcategories. Each of the lowest level subcategories can have one or many related products. For the purposes of sales volume planning, a product must have a single designated SVP parent category.

To adjust category, subcategory and product hierarchies for sales volume planning

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Catalog Administration > All Categories.
  2. In the Categories list, select the root category of the hierarchy you want to adjust.
  3. Drill down on the Category Name hyperlink.
  4. The Product Catalog Category Detail Administration view appears.

  5. In the Sub-Categories list, select the subcategory or subcategories for which you will designate the parent category as its SVP parent.

NOTE:  It is possible for many subcategories to be designated SVP adoptees for the SVP parent. However, if a subcategory already has another category as its SVP parent, this designation will end the previous SVP parent relationship and create a new one.

 Siebel Consumer Sector Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003