Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications > Developer Procedures > Siebel and Oracle Applications R11i Integrations >

Integration Workflows

Each integration is driven by a workflow. This section provides an annotated workflow diagram for each Siebel application and Oracle Applications 11i integration.

NOTE:  Because they are similar, Oracle Applications 10.7 and Oracle Applications 11i Organization Inbound, Inventory Location Inbound, Product Inbound, and Order Inbound workflows are discussed together in Siebel and Oracle Applications R10.7 Integrations.

Account Outbound Workflow

Account outbound integration propagates the Siebel Applications integration object Account Put Oracle11i Customer (Siebel Applications) to the Oracle Application R11i integration object Account - Put Oracle 11i Customer (Oracle Applications). The predefined workflow for this integration is described below.

CAUTION:  Siebel Systems does not support site use changes on the Siebel or Oracle side after the address is created in the Oracle application.

Account - Create or Update Oracle 11i Customer Workflow

Following is the Account - Create or Update Oracle 11i Customer workflow.

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As the workflow diagram indicates, the process involves the following steps:

  1. Start.
  2. Read Siebel Account—Executes the Business Service eAI Siebel Adapter which reads the data from the Siebel Business Service components and populates the Siebel integration object Account - Put Oracle11i Customer (Siebel Applications).
  3. Map Siebel Account to Oracle Customer—Executes the Business Service Account Maps - Siebel Outbound (Oracle Applications 11i) that maps data from the Siebel integration object Account - Put Oracle 11i Customer (Siebel Applications) into the Oracle integration object Account - Put Oracle 11i Customer (Oracle Applications).
  4. Write Oracle Customer to Buffer Tables—Executes the Business Service Database Adapter, which reads data from the Oracle integration object
    Account - Put Oracle 11i Customer (Oracle Applications) and inserts it into Oracle buffer tables.
  5. Validate and Copy to Interface—Executes the Business Service Oracle Procedure Adapter, which runs the prevalidation program SIE_CUSTOMER_PREVAL_PR11i and inserts records from the buffer table into the Oracle interface tables.
  6. Loop Back to Siebel Applications—Creates a Siebel message by setting the Integration Id for Account, Contact, and Addresses. It also sets the corresponding Status Codes, Sync Date, and Error Text (if any).
  7. Write Siebel Account—Executes the Business Service eAI Siebel Adapter which updates the account in Siebel Applications with data in the Siebel message created in the previous Loop Back to Siebel process.
  8. End.
  9. NOTE:  Once data is loaded into the Oracle interface tables, the Customer import is run in Oracle Applications. If the import fails, the interface_status column in the interface table is updated with the error message. The Account - Receive Oracle Customer Import Status workflow is used to bring these error messages into Siebel Applications.

Account Inbound Workflow

During Account Inbound integration, the Oracle Application R11i integration object Account - Get Oracle11i Customer (Oracle Applications) is transformed into the Siebel integration object Account - Get Oracle11i Customer (Siebel Applications).

This integration involves the following processes:

  1. An insert or change to an Oracle Customer, Customer Address, Customer Contact, Profile, or Phone number in the Oracle application fires an Oracle alert.
  2. The alerts are:

  3. The alert creates an entry in the Siebel Notification Table with the following attributes:
  4. For Accounts:

    OBJECT_NAME = Account - Get Oracle11i Customer (Oracle Applications)


    For Contacts:

    OBJECT_NAME = Account - Get Oracle11i Customer (Oracle Applications)


    For Customer Site:

    OBJECT_NAME = Account - Get Oracle11i Customer (Oracle Applications)


  5. The Oracle Receiver:
    1. Polls the Notification Table and gets the entry.
    2. Creates a query specification integration object instance that locates the particular Customer.
    3. Calls the Database Adapter to extract details of the customer into an instance of the integration object Account - Get Oracle11i Customer (Oracle Applications).
    4. Executes the Oracle Receiver Dispatch workflow, passing the instance of the integration object as a parameter.
  6. The Oracle Receiver Dispatch workflow calls the Account - Receive Oracle11i Customer workflow and loads the Account into the Siebel application.
Account - Receive Oracle11i Customer Workflow

The predefined workflow for this integration is described as follows.

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The Account - Receive Oracle11i Customer workflow:

  1. Maps Oracle Customer to the Siebel Accounts—The workflow calls Business Service Account Maps - Siebel Inbound to convert data from the Oracle integration object to the Siebel integration object for Account.
  2. Write Account to Siebel Applications—The EAI Siebel Adapter is used to update the Siebel database with an appropriate Siebel integration object instance.

Order Outbound Workflow

This predefined workflow propagates Order data from Siebel Applications to Oracle Applications R11i.

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This workflow process is summarized as follows.

  1. Start—The workflow starts when an order outbound is submitted.
  2. Reads Siebel Order—Executes the Business Service EAI Siebel Adapter, which reads data from the Siebel business components and populates the Siebel integration object Order - Put Oracle11i Order (Siebel Applications).
  3. Maps Siebel Order to Oracle Order—Executes the Business Service Order Maps - Siebel Outbound (Oracle 11i), which maps data from the Siebel integration object Order - Put Oracle11i Order (Siebel Applications) into the Oracle integration object Order - Put Oracle11i Order (Oracle Applications).
  4. Writes Order to Buffer Tables—Executes the Business Service eAI DB Adapter, which reads data from the Oracle integration object Order - Put Oracle11i Order (Oracle Applications) and inserts it into the Oracle buffer tables.
  5. Validate and Copy to Oracle Interface—Executes the Business Service EAI ODBC Service, which runs the prevalidation program SieOrderValidate11i. The prevalidation program validates data in the buffer table and calls the Process Order API to create the order in Oracle Applications.
  6. Loops Back to Siebel Applications—Creates a Siebel message by setting the Integration Id for Order and Order Line and setting the corresponding Status Codes, Sync Date, and Error Text (if any).
  7. Writes to the Siebel Order—Executes the Business Service eAI Siebel Adapter which updates the Order in Siebel with data in the Siebel message created in the previous Loop Back to Siebel process.
  8. End—The workflow is complete.

Order Inbound Workflow

Order Inbound integration associates Siebel integration object Order - Put Oracle11i Order (Siebel Applications) with the Oracle integration object Orders - Get Oracle11i Orders (Oracle Applications). This integration involves the following processes:

  1. An insert or change to an Oracle Order or Order Line in the Oracle application fires an Oracle alert.
  2. The Order alerts are:

  3. The alert creates an entry in the Siebel Notification Table with the following attributes:
  4. For Orders:

  5. The Oracle Receiver:
    1. Polls the Notification Table and gets the entry.
    2. Creates a query specification integration object instance that locates the particular Order.
    3. Calls the Database Adapter to extract details of the Order into an instance of the integration object Orders - Get Oracle11i Orders (Oracle Applications).
    4. Executes the Oracle Receiver Dispatch Workflow, passing the instance of the integration object as a parameter.
  6. The Oracle Receiver Dispatch workflow calls the Order - Receive Oracle11i Order workflow and loads the Order into the Siebel application.
Order - Receive Oracle11i Order Workflow

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As the workflow indicates, this integration involves the following steps:

  1. Start—The Oracle Receiver starts this workflow. For more information, see Understanding the Oracle Receiver.
  2. Maps the Oracle to Siebel Order—Calls the Siebel Business Service Order Maps - Siebel Inbound to convert data from the Oracle integration object to the Siebel integration object for Orders.
  3. Writes Order to Siebel Applications—The eAI Siebel Adapter is used to update the Siebel database with an appropriate Siebel integration object instance.
  4. End—The workflow is complete.

 Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003