Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 > Installing and Configuring the SAP Connector > Checking Connection Information for SAP >

Checking Siebel Client Connectivity

You can check your SAP connection information by executing the TestSAPConnection workflow. This workflow contains a single call to the BAPI Adapter business service method MakeConnection. The flow can be executed through the Workflow Simulator. If no errors occur during its execution, the connection to SAP has been successful. If you receive errors, you may need to correct entries in the saprfc.ini file or the values of SAPRfcConnectString, SAPRfcUserName, or SAPRfcPassword.

To check client connectivity

  1. Navigate to Business Process Administration.
  2. Click Workflow Processes.
  3. Query for the workflow "TestSAPConnection".
  4. Click Revise.
  5. Click the Process Designer tab.
  6. Double-click the Create Test Connection business service box in the diagram.
  7. Add three new Input Arguments, one for each of the parameters SAPRfcConnectString, SAPRfcUserName, and SAPRfcPassword. Set their Type to Literal. In the Value field enter their values as they would have been configured in the Siebel Configuration file or as set for the BusIntMgr component.

NOTE:  In the Standard Integration workflows these parameters are set on the BusIntMgr server component, not within the workflow itself. They need to be set within the workflow because they are running within the workflow simulator. If you are using the Siebel Mobile Web Client the values can also be set in the Siebel Configuration file for the client.

  1. Click Return To Designer.
  2. Click the Process Simulator tab.
  3. Click Start.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. If no errors are displayed, the connection information is correct.

For more information on troubleshooting connection problems, read Troubleshooting.

 Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 
 Published: 22 August 2003