This Document contains the following tables:
Header (SAP to Siebel)
Integration Objects: Product - Receive SAP 4x Material (4x IDOC Input)
Product - Receive SAP 4x Material (Siebel)
Transaction Description: Creates and Updates Siebel Products with SAP Products.
Workflow: Product - Receive SAP 4x Material
Business Service (Name): Product - SAP 4x Maps
Business Service (Display Name): SAP Mapping - Product (4x)
Map Functions: ReceiveSAP4xMaterial_IDOCToSiebel_4x
SAP Interface: MATMAS03 IDOC
Siebel View: Products > All Products
SAP Screen: Logistics > Sales/distribution > Master Data > Products > Material > Trading goods > Display
Header (SAP to Siebel)
Siebel Client  Siebel Object Manager Siebel Schema SAP IDOC   SAP User Interface  
Applet Field Business Component Field Table Column Segment  Field Transformation/ Lookup Screen Field Comments
N/A N/A Internal Product Integration Id S_PROD_INT INTEGRATION_ID E2MARAM003 MATNR Basic Data Material 1st field
Product List Applet Orderable Internal Product Orderable S_PROD_INT ORDERABLE_FLG E2MARAM003 PSTAT, LVORM See footnote 1 N/A
Product List Applet Sales Product Internal Product Sales Product Flag S_PROD_INT SALES_PROD_FLG E2MARAM003 PSTAT, LVORM See footnote 1 N/A
Product List Applet Vendor Part Number Internal Product Vendor Part Number S_PROD_INT VENDR_PART_NUM E2MARAM003 MFRPN Mapping changed from MAKTX
Product List Applet Unit of Measure Internal Product Unit of Measure S_PROD_INT UOM_CD E2MARAM003 MEINS Translate SAP unit into Siebel Unit. Sales: Sales Org. 1 Sales unit or Base unit of measure The SAP Base UOM is mapped to UOM in Siebel.
Product List Applet Division Internal Product SAP Division Code S_PROD_INT DIVN_CD E2MARAM003 SPART Basic Data 1 Division
Product List Applet Product Internal Product Name S_PROD_INT NAME E2MAKTM001 MATNR Basic Data 1 Material first field
Product List Applet Part # Internal Product Part # S_PROD_INT PART_NUM E2MAKTM001 MAKTX, SPRAS See footnote 2 Basic Data 1 Material 2nd field
Product List Applet Description Internal Product Description S_PROD_INT DESC_TEXT E2MTXLM TDLINE See footnote 3 Sales Text See footnote 4
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Internal Division Status S_PROD_INT_BU STATUS_CD E2MVKEM001 LVORM See footnote 5 N/A N/A Material--> Flag for deletion --> immediately or schedule
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet SAP Sales Organization Internal Division Back Office Sales Organization S_ORG_EXT SALES_ORG_CD E2MVKEM001 VKORG Sales: Sales Org. 1 Sale Org.
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet SAP Distribution Channel Internal Division Back Office Distribution Channel S_ORG_EXT DIST_CHANNEL_CD E2MVKEM001 VTWEG Sales: Sales Org. 1 Distr. Chl
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Minimum Order Unit Internal Division Minimum Order Unit S_PROD_INT_BU MIN_ORDER_UNITS E2MVKEM001 AUMNG Sales: Sales Org. 1 Min. order qty
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Primary Plant Internal Division Primary Plant S_INVLOC NAME E2MVKEM001 DWERK Sales: Sales Org. 1 Delivery Plant
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Unit of Measure Internal Division Unit of Measure S_PROD_INT_BU UOM_CD E2MVKEM001 VRKME See footnote 6 Sales: Sales Org. 1 Sales Unit
SAP 4x Internal Division List Applet Orderable Internal Division Orderable S_PROD_INT_BU ORDERABLE_FLG E2MVKEM001 LVORM If field LVORM == “X” then “N” is passed to Siebel N/A N/A Material--> Flag for deletion --> immediately or schedule
FS Inventory Location List Applet Inventory Name FS Inventory Location Inventory Name S_INVLOC NAME E2MARCM003 WERKS Only if parent's field PSTAT contain “V”, this record will be created. Sales: General/Plant Plant
FS Inventory Location List Applet Inventory Type FS Inventory Location Inventory Type S_INVLOC_TYPE NAME Only if parent's field PSTAT contain “V”, this record will be created, value “SAP Plant” is passed. N/A N/A
Footnote 1 If field LVORM == “X”, pass “N” to Siebel, else if field PSTAT contains a “V” then pass “Y” to Siebel, otherwise pass “N”.
Footnote 2 This field is mapped to MAKTX, but SPRAS decides which records MAKTX is going to use: 1st Choice: SPRAS = Current Language, 2nd Choice SPRAS = English, 3th Choice - First record.
Footnote 3 If the parent Segment E2MTXHM001's field TDID == “0001” and field TDSPRAS is matched with Siebel's language or English or first, then E2MTXLN's first four TDLINE are concatenated into Siebel.
Footnote 4 The mapping only uses the first four fields based on the field length in Siebel.
Footnote 5 If field LVORM != "X" " " is passed, otherwise "Deletion" is passed to Siebel.
Footnote 6 If VRKME not empty, use VRKME, otherwise use parent's MEINS field, translate it into Siebel unit.