Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > The Siebel 6.3 to 7.5 Analytics Bridges > Installation Process >

Localize the Siebel Analytics Bridge

If your organization requires that Siebel Analytics data be viewed in a language other than English, you must also add localized seed data for metadata translations. Perform this process once for each language in which your data is to be viewed.

To import Locale seed data into the Siebel OLTP database

  1. Copy the following files:
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language being used)
    63_Bridge\Localization folder
    Local Machine
    (where <lan> corresponds to the language to be installed)
  2. Open a command line, and navigate to the same directory where you copied the .dat and .inp files.
  3. Replace each of the following connection parameters with the values appropriate to your database environment, and then run the appropriate import command from the following table. Replace <lan> in the command with the appropriate code for the language to be installed.
    • Connection parameters:
      • UserName
      • Password
      • ODBCDataSource
      • DatabaseOwner
    • Import command:

    $SIEBELSERVERROOT\bin\dataimp /u $UserName /p $Password /c "$ODBCDataSource" /d $DatabaseOwner /f seed_63_bridge_<lan>.dat /w y /q 100 /h Log /x f /i seed_63_bridge_<lan>.inp /l seed_63_bridge_<lan>.log

    NOTE:  For the dataimp utility to work under Oracle, your local and database servers must have the same language setting. Change the database server language setting to the localized language, then try to run dataimp again.

 Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide
 Published: 09 September 2004