Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume II > Introduction >

Revision History

eAI Volume II: Integration Platform Technologies

Version 7.5.3

Table 1.  Changes Made in Version 7.5.3
New for 7.5.3: Support of the <xsd:any> tag added to Web Services.
New for 7.5.3: Support for Transport Headers in Web Services.

Version 7.5, Rev. A

Table 2.  Changes Made in Version 7.5, Rev. A
Added a new table presenting Integration Object Types. About Integration Objects.
Changed PicklistUserKey to PicklistUserKeys and added requirements in About Integration Objects.
Added a new section discussing integration objects with M:M in Creating and Maintaining Integration Objects.
Changed CanInvoke == "TRUE" to CanInvoke = "TRUE" in Business Services.
New examples on calling business services in Business Services.
Provided more details throughout the Web Services.
Updated all the examples in Siebel Virtual Business Components.
Updated the definition for Update method in EAI Siebel Adapter.
Added a new example for Query method in EAI Siebel Adapter.

 Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume II 
 Published: 18 July 2003