Siebel eEvents Management Guide > Defining an Event > End-User Setup Procedures for Defining an Event >

Adding Event Tracks

A track in Siebel eEvents Management is a featured topic or theme at an event. For example, a biotech investment conference may establish three tracks: Genomics, Computers, and Pharma.

After tracks are added to an event, subevents and sessions can be related to any of the event's tracks. For example, using the biotech example, you could relate several sessions on using computers in biotech with the Computers track. As a result, contacts can view a list of sessions for the Computers track and choose which sessions to attend. In general, using the Tracks screen, event administrators and contacts can locate the event information they need more quickly and easily simply by selecting a track.

The following procedure describes how to add an event track. For information on relating a track to subevents and sessions, see Preparing for an Event.

To add an event track

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View >Site Map >Events >Tracks.
  2. Create a new event track record, and enter a status for the track. Some status values are Planned, Executing, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled.
  3. NOTE:  These status values are for descriptive purposes only and do not limit registration to associated sessions.

 Siebel eEvents Management Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003