Siebel Field Service Guide > Barcodes > Setup and Configuration for Barcode Reading >

Setting Up a Barcode Interface

The FS Barcode Mapping view on the Service Administration screen sets the destinations for barcode data. Based on these mappings, barcode data is copied to specific views, tabs, and fields. The data may create a new record or update an existing record. When mapping barcode data to fields, you add a record for each field that is to receive data from a barcode.

NOTE:  Your Siebel application comes with a complete series of barcode mappings. You do not have to add or change any mappings unless you want to configure custom mappings.

To set the destinations for barcode data in specific views, tabs, and fields, use the procedure that follows.

To map barcode data to views, tabs, and fields

  1. Choose Site Map > Service Administration > FS Barcode Mapping.
  2. Add a new record for every field that is to receive barcode data.
  3. Complete the fields. Some fields are described in the following table.
  4. Field
    View Name
    View that is to receive the data.
    Applet Name
    Applet (tab) that is to receive the data.
    Field Name
    Field that is to receive the data.
    Entry Mode
    Type of information to receive from the barcode input. Corresponds to the values in the Use drop-down list.
    Process Mode
    Type of operation that will bring focus to the specified field (New, Update, or Find).

 Siebel Field Service Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003