Siebel Field Service Guide > Scheduling and Dispatch > Optimization Engine >

Requirements for Optimization

The following settings are required for running the Optimization Engine:

The Optimization Engine has the following additional requirements:

When loading activities into the Optimizer cache for the first time, the Optimizer produces an initial solution to the schedule by accepting the existing order and assignment of appointments. While finding the initial solution, the Optimizer first processes the activities which have Lock Assignment and Lock Schedule flags (see Making Changes to a Schedule) set to TRUE. This helps to ensure that these requests are honored in the optimized schedule.

While the schedule for a service region is being optimized, only insert activity (see Insert Activity Button) and stop optimization (see Service Regions View) requests are accepted. These are queued, and the queue is processed when the optimization finds the next solution. Any other request is returned.

 Siebel Field Service Guide 
 Published: 21 April 2003