Global Deployment Guide > Overview of Global Deployment > Global Deployment Terminology >


Locale is a collection of user inputs, including keyboard layout, sorting order, and the formats used for numbers, dates, currencies, and times.

Locale Usage

You can use locale rules to vary the appearance of data for different regions of your implementation. Typically, this data would include dates and times, numbers, and currencies.

For example, the date and time thirty minutes past four in the afternoon on May nine, year two thousand-and-one can appear differently depending on the locale. It may appear as:

Locales also specify thousand separators and decimal symbols for numbers. They determine the position of the currency symbol in relation to the currency amount. They also contain rules for how data is sorted (collated). For example, the words OIL, SOIL, and ÖL are sorted differently depending on the locale:

Locales also guide what characters are available through the computer keyboard. Users can remap their keyboards through the locale setting to get access to additional characters when typing.

 Global Deployment Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003