Siebel eConsumer Goods Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Print Tagging Language > Overview >



Specifies graphic files included in the print template.


Use to add graphic images, such as a company logo, to your documents.

The supported file formats are BMP and JPG.

Graphics files are located in the \Program Files\Siebel Handheld\templates directory on the handheld device. Specify the full path name of the file for the Name parameter.

Scaling or graphics operations, such as inverse image, are not supported.

The Alignment and Position parameters are used together to place the graphic. Alignment specifies the left edge, the center, or the right edge of the graphic. Position is distance, specified in millimeters, from the left edge of the paper.

If Position is not specified, it defaults to 0. Depending on the Alignment setting, the graphic is left-aligned (Alignment = "Left"), the graphic is right-aligned (Alignment = "Right"), or the graphic is centered (Alignment ="Center")


<TAG:Picture Name="FILE NAME" Alignment="ALIGNMENT" Position="POSITION">

(Required) Picture tag indicator.
(Required) Specifies the full path and name of the graphics file.
(Optional) Specifies the left edge, the center, or the right edge of the graphic. Used with the Position parameter to specify the horizontal position of the graphic.
Valid values are LEFT (default), CENTER, and RIGHT.
(Optional) Specified in millimeters, it is the distance from the left edge of the paper. Used with the Alignment parameter to specify the horizontal position of the graphic. The default is 0.


<TAG:Picture Name="\Program Files\Siebel Handheld\templates\logo.bmp" Alignment="Right" Position="88">

 Siebel eConsumer Goods Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003