Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Data Filtering >

Predefined Query Filters

Siebel Handheld provides synchronization filters that allow users to select the data they want to synchronize to their handheld applications. These filters are specifically named Predefined Queries (PDQs) that reside in the Siebel database. During synchronization, Siebel Handheld Sync accesses the database and processes the handheld-specific PDQs. The user can select one synchronization filter from the Set Filters drop-down list for each screen in their application. The selected filter determines the parent data that gets downloaded to the device.

You may also define a sort specification in your PDQs. These sort specifications are applied when the data is displayed on the device and is helpful for displaying records in a particular order. An example of a PDQ that includes a sort specification is shown below. The sort specifies that Activity records display according to the required Start Date, so that the first activities to complete appear at the beginning of the activity list.

Name: PDA_Current Activities

Query: 'Action'.Search = "[Start Date] >= Today () - 90 AND [Start Date] < Today () + 365"

'Action'.Sort = "Start Date (ASCENDING)"

 Siebel ePharma Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003