Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Application Development > Designing Screens and Views >

Applet Focus Behavior

When navigating between views, there may be instances when you need to override the default behavior for giving focus to an applet

The GotoView method is used to navigate from one view to another. A button control is added to the applet in the view you want to navigate from, the button's methodInvoked property is set to GotoView and the button's View property is set to the view that is to be created. When the GotoView method is executed, it builds the specified view. If the view includes a parent and child applet, GotoView gives focus to the child applet. This is the desired behavior in most instances when you are simply navigating from one view to another.

If the desired behavior is to navigate to a new view and, additionally, create a new record, then you must use the GotoViewNewRecord method. This method calls two methods; it calls GotoView, and then it calls NewRecord, which creates a new record in the new view.

In some instances the default behavior of these methods does not produce the intended behavior. For example, in the Orders view of the Service Requests screen, when you tap the Create New Order button, it takes you to the Order Details view, which contains a parent form applet (Service Request Order) and a child list applet (Service Order Entry Line Item). In this instance, when the Create New Order button's GotoViewNewRecord method is executed, you want a new order to be created. However, the default behavior is to give focus to the child applet rather than creating a new record in the parent applet. Therefore, you need to override the default behavior of GotoView with the control user property OverrideDefaultApplet, and set the value to the applet that you want to give focus. The valid values are 0 (parent), 1 (child), 2 (grandchild), and so on. For example, if you create a button labeled "Create Service Request Order," you would define the following user properties:

SHCE Service Order Line Items View

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003