Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Application Development > Configuring Printing from the Handheld >

Defining Documents

Defining documents for printing includes several steps:

Determining which documents users will need and the views from which they are most likely to print requires that you have a good understanding of the users' day-to-day work.

Whether the existing applets in a view include most of the required data or only a small portion is a secondary consideration. It is not likely that a printout of the existing applets, which are formatted for an electronic PDA interface, will provide an acceptable or usable printed document. In most instances, you need to create additional applets that are specifically used for printing data.

The printed document will be composed of several applets which are added to the view. The applets pull the data from the underlying business components which are a superset of the data in the view. These applets, in turn, direct the data to the print templates discussed in Print Tagging Language.

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003