Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Data Filtering > Query by Example Filters >

Adding Business Component Filters

The handheld PDAQBE file is installed by default into the \BIN\language directory of the Siebel Application Server or Siebel Mobile Web Client where the handheld application is installed. The name of the file is application-specific, but always ends with PDAQBE file (for example, pharmaceqbe.txt, cgceqbe.txt, salesceqbe.txt). You can create new QBE filters or modify the default QBE filters by editing this file directly. Changes are applied to all subsequent synchronizations. You can also change the name of the file PDAQBE file by adding the following line to the [PDA] section of the Siebel Handheld application .cfg file:

PDAQBEFILE = "PDA filename"

NOTE:  The Siebel Handheld application configuration file is located in the \bin\enu directory of the Siebel server for DSS or in the \bin\enu directory of the Siebel Mobile Web Client application for CS.

To create new business component filters, add rows to the PDAQBE file. The syntax for new filters is as follows:

DefaultSyncFilterXXX = Business Component Name|QBE Statement


For example, the following is a QBE Statement from the PDAQBE file:

DefaultSyncFilter1 = Action|[Status] = "Not Started" OR [Status] = "In Progress" OR ([Status] IS NULL) OR [Status] = "On Hold" OR ([Status] = "Done" AND [Done] >= Today() - 7)

In this example, a Siebel Handheld filter has been created for the Action business component. This is the business component that underlies Activities in Siebel eBusiness Applications. This filter limits the Activities extracted for the Handheld application to those whose Status field is Not Started, In Progress, Null, On Hold, or Done. Activities whose Status is Done will only be allowed if the Done date occurred during the past week.

The example also demonstrates how these global QBE statements should be used during deployment. In the example, the QBE limits the handheld Activity records to those that are current. For every handheld application user and for every occurrence of the Activity business component, whether in a parent-child view or a pick applet, Activities are limited to those specified in this QBE. While this particular filter will not apply to every handheld deployment where Activities are used, most customers can use these global QBEs to rule out large sets of data not appropriate or necessary for the handheld application user.

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003