Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices > Troubleshooting > Log Files >

Handheld Device Logs

The following log files are found in the /Program Files/Siebel Handheld directory on the handheld device:

Logging Handheld Synchronization Errors

Siebel Handheld Sync logs all the strings that the user sees in the sync message window as well as many informational messages that do not get displayed in the UI. These informational messages are used to help track down where an error occurred. Siebel Handheld Sync determines which messages get logged based on a value stored in the registry under the key SyncLogReportingLevel. The values range from 0 to 4; 0 logs all error messages and strings that the user sees, and 4 logs all data that Siebel Handheld Sync sends and receives.

If Siebel Handheld Sync fails for some reason, check the syncmanager_log.txt file immediately after the failure. If you need more detail, increase the logging level and run Siebel Handheld Sync again. Use the LoggingLevels parameter in the setup.ini file to change the logging level. Furthermore, each time a user synchronizes, the syncmanager_log.txt file is overwritten with the new data.

 Siebel Sales Handheld Guide for Windows-Powered Devices 
 Published: 18 July 2003