Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS > Security >

Roles and Permissions

The following roles and permissions are used to connect to DB2 and to install Siebel eBusiness Applications on a database:


A DB2 subsystem is a prerequisite for installing Siebel eBusiness Applications. While installation does not require the use of an ID with SYSADM privileges, the creation of some underlying DB2 resources might. For detailed information on setting up a DB2 subsystem for Siebel eBusiness Applications, see Preparing for Implementation on the DB2 Host.

Functions that require SYSADM authority and that are necessary for installing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS include:


Installation requires access similar to that of DBADM; installers must be able to create Siebel objects and access the necessary utilities. Therefore, it is recommended that you grant CREATEDBA privileges to the group or user IDs that will be used to perform the installation.

Permission to Access the DB2 Catalog

Siebel eBusiness Applications access the DB2 catalog to validate installation inputs.

To grant appropriate users access privileges to the DB2 catalog, the system administrator must grant SELECT authority to users of the Siebel Database Server and to users of the installation or upgrade utility.

To grant access

Permission to Update Catalog Statistics

NOTE:  Updating DB2 catalog statistics is optional.

To give appropriate users the authority to update catalog statistics using the utility loadstat.sql, the system administrator must grant UPDATE authority to installation or upgrade users for the following tables:








For information on using the loadstat.sql utility, see Loading Statistics.

 Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for OS/390 and z/OS 
 Published: 18 April 2003