Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide > Compensation Tracking >

Reviewing Total Performance

The Total Performance view summarizes an employee's total compensation, as well as a group's total compensation for any aggregated rule. In this view, you can perform the following tasks:

The view shows separate records for each performance measure and for each hurdle. For example, if a rule has two performance measures, then two records are created.

After you calculate compensation for a specific period, you can navigate to the Total Performance view and query for that calculation run. In this view, you can review the totals used in calculating compensation, including group and quota achievement totals.

To view total performance

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Incentive Compensation Tracking > Total Performance.
  2. In the Total Performance list, click Query and enter the appropriate information to locate the calculation run you want to review.
  3. The following table describes the fields in the Total Performance form.

    Achievement Amount
    This amount varies depending upon the type of performance measure and type of rule.
    • For a % Quota performance measure, it is the achievement percentage.
    • For a revenue performance measure, it is the total dollar amount achieved.
    • For an individual rule, it is what the individual achieved.
    • For a group rule, it is the amount that applies to the participant.
    Achievement Qty
    This amount varies depending upon the type performance measure and the type of rule.
    • For a % Quota performance measure, it is the achievement percentage achievement.
    • For a Units performance measure, it is total units achieved.
    • For an individual rule, it is what the individual achieved.
    • For a group rule, it is the quantity that applies to the participant.
    Calculation Run
    The name of the calculation run.
    Cumulative Measure Period
    The cumulative measure period for the rule, if any.
    The end date of the calculation run period.
    First Name
    The first name of the participant.
    If the rule's participant level is Group, then the group name appears here for the participant.
    Group Total Amount
    The total dollar amount earned by the group for this calculation run. For example, if the rule is aggregated with a performance of revenue, then the total revenue earned by the group for the period is displayed.
    Group Total Qty
    The total quantity earned by the group for this calculation run. For example, if the rule is aggregated with a performance measure of units, then the total units earned by the group for the period is displayed.
    Hurdle Passed
    If the check box is selected, hurdle criteria have been met. For rule records, the check box is never selected.
    Last Name
    The last name of the participant.
    Measure Period
    The measure period of the rule.
    The login of the person who last modified the record.
    Modified Date
    The date the record was last modified.
    Participant Level
    The level of participation for this rule, either Group or Individual.
    Performance Measure
    The performance measure that is used for this aggregate rule. For plan rules that have two performance measures, two separate records are created.
    Payment Eligible Amount
    If there are transactions where the Eligible for Payment check box is not selected (flag set to False), the eligible amount is less than the achieved amount.
    Payment Eligible Quantity
    If there are transactions where the Eligible for Payment check box is not selected (flag is set to False), the eligible quantity is less than the achieved quantity.
    % Quota
    The percentage of the quota achieved by the participant.
    The period of the calculation run.
    The name of the aggregated rule.
    Plan Rule
    The name of the plan rule. If this is a hurdle, the hurdle name appears instead.
    The position held by the participant.
    The name of the quota used if the performance measure was % Quota or a quota hurdle.
    The start date of the calculation run period.
    Target Amount
    The target dollar amount for the quota-based rule.
    Target Qty
    The target quantity for the quota-based rule.
    Total Amount
    The individual's contribution to the group total amount.
    Total Qty
    The individual's contribution to the group total quantity.

NOTE:  If the rule is a group rule that provides participants who are not on the sales team (for instance, the manager) with a payout, the Total Performance view has a record for that participant, with the total performance of the group in the Group Total field.

 Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003