Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide > Plan Design >

Creating a Filter

You can create stand-alone filters and add them to stand-alone rules, plan rules, or plan participant rules. You can also personalize filters at the participant level. The four types of filters that you can create are account, product, product line, and Revenue Type or LOV. LOV is a configured type.

About Filters

Filters allow organizations to create different rates of compensation for sales of specific products and product lines, or for sales to specific accounts. Filters are commonly used with national account plans or product specialist plans, or to emphasize sales of a particular product (for example, during a product introduction). Filters can be applied to rules, and when the Siebel Incentive Compensation engine evaluates transactions, only transactions that meet the criteria defined in the filter are included in compensation earnings.

For example, your sales representatives are included in a compensation plan rule that pays a bonus for selling Siebel Call Center. You set up a filter to evaluate whether or not Siebel Call Center is included in the order. If a sales representative closes a deal for 20 named users of Siebel Call Center and five named users of Siebel Marketing, the representative only gets credit for the 20 named users of Siebel Call Center because that is the only product for which the plan recognizes achievement.

Filter Types

There are four predefined filter types that you can use:

For information about creating filter types that are not preconfigured in the Incentive Compensation application, see Configuring Incentive Compensation.

Adding Filters to Rules

Filters can be combined in a rule (for example, sales of a specific product to a specific account). You can add filters to stand-alone rules, plan rules, and plan participant rules.

A single rule or hurdle can have multiple filters. The calculation engine uses a set of personalized plan rule filters.

Creating a Stand-Alone Filter

Use the following procedure to create a new stand-alone filter.

To create a stand-alone filter

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Incentive Compensation Administration > Filters.
  2. In the Filters list, click New.
  3. In the new filter record, enter a name and description, and select the type of filter.
  4. In the Inclusion field, select an inclusion type.
  5. The following table describes the types.

    Inclusion Type
    Evaluates whether or not values defined for the filter (accounts, products, product lines) exist on a transaction. If these values appear, then the transactions are excluded from compensation paid. For example, if the product on the order is not a Pentium 266, then include the transaction in the compensation calculation. You can use an Exclude filter to accomplish the following filter tasks:
    • Filter transaction detail level rules for products and product lines
    • Filter transaction level plan rules for accounts
    Evaluates whether one of the values defined on the filter (accounts, products, or product lines) appears on a transaction. If one or more these values appears, then compensation is paid on the transaction. An implied OR exists between the values defined for the filter. For example, if Pentium 266 is a product on the order, then include the transaction in the compensation calculation. Use an Include filter to:
    • Filter transaction detail level rules for products and product lines.
    • Filter transaction level rules for accounts.
    Include All
    Evaluates whether values defined on the filter (products or product lines) appear on a transaction. If the values appear, then compensation is paid on the transaction. An implied AND exists between the values defined on the filter. For example, if a Pentium 266 and Pentium Server are both on the same order, then include the transaction in the compensation calculation. Use an Include All filter to filter transaction-level rules for products and product lines.

Creating Filter Criteria

After creating a filter, select the products, product lines, or accounts that make up the filter criteria.

To create filter criteria

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Incentive Compensation Administration > Filters.
  2. In the Filters list, select the filter, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  3. The filter form appears with a new filter list showing accounts, products, product lines, revenue types or any other configured types. For example, if the filter type is Product, the Filter Products list appears with the filter form.

  4. In the Filter (type) list, add items to the filter.
  5. Depending on the type of filter you chose, use the procedures in the following table to enter criteria.

    Filter Type
    In the Filters Accounts list, click New to add an account. In the Add Accounts dialog box, select an account, and click OK.
    In the Filters Products list, click New. In the Add Internal Products dialog box, select a product, and click OK.
    Product Lines
    In the Filter Product Lines list, click New. In the Add Product Lines dialog box, select a product, and then click Add.
    Revenue Type (simple filter)
    In the Filter Values field, click New. In the blank row, select Service or Product from the drop-down list.

 Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003