Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide > Plan Design >

Creating a Draw for a Compensation Plan

Draws are compensation payments that companies make to sales representatives in advance of performance. Companies use draws to guarantee that employees earn a certain amount of compensation even though their performance may not result in compensation earnings of that amount.

As a compensation administrator, you can set up default draws, and establish different draws for certain participants. For example, you set up a default draw of $2,000 for new sales representatives. However, one representative has negotiated a $2,500 draw. You can override the default draw and set up a $2,500 draw that only applies to this individual.

You can view draw amounts and draw balances by navigating to the Compensation Tracking screen's Calculation Summary view. Employees can review how draws affect their compensation calculations by navigating to the Compensation views.

For example, suppose your company sets up a draw amount of $2,000 for new sales representatives during their first six months of employment. In a given month, if a sales representative's performance results in gross earnings of $800, the company pays the sales representative the $800 earned, plus an additional $1,200, so that the total net earnings equals the draw amount of $2,000. The sales representative is guaranteed to earn at least $2,000.

Draws can be recoverable, nonrecoverable, or recoverable balance forgiven. Recoverable draws are paid back. Nonrecoverable draws are not paid back. Recoverable balance forgiven draws can be recovered during the draw effective period and then forgiven. If a sales representative earns more than draw amount, the sales representative is paid the additional amount beyond the draw amount.

NOTE:  A draw is only executed if it is included in a calculation run with the same measure period as the draw frequency. A plan is not included in the calculation run unless there is a rule with the same measure period. Calculation runs must be released before draw balances are actually applied.

Often companies create compensation plans with both types of draws. The draws might be nonrecoverable for the first few months and then convert to recoverable.

To create a plan draw

  1. From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > Incentive Compensation Administration > Plans.
  2. In the Plans list, select a plan, and then drill down on the hyperlink in the Name field.
  3. Select the Plan Draws view tab.
  4. In the Plan Draw list, click New, and enter a name for the new plan draw.
  5. Complete the remaining fields.
  6. The following table describes the fields.

    The amount of the draw.
    The Default check box is automatically selected when a new draw is created, indicating that the draw is the default draw for plan participants. This draw is used for participants of the plan that are designated to take the default draw. Clear the default check box if desired.
    Draws that are not default draws must be linked to individual participants in the Plan Participation view.
    (Optional) A description of the draw.
    The end date of the draw. This field is automatically populated based on the plan period.
    The frequency in which the draw amount is paid. For example, if the frequency is monthly, the draw is calculated every month and compared to the monthly compensation earned. Options are Day, Week, Bi-Weekly, Month, Quarter, Half-Year, and Year.
    Last Modified
    The login of the last person to modify the plan. This field is automatically populated.
    Modified Date
    The date and time the plan was last modified. This field is automatically populated.
    The name of the draw.
    The type of draw. Options are recoverable, nonrecoverable, or recoverable-balance forgiven.

 Siebel Incentive Compensation Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003