Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Setting Up and Making Subject Activity Payments > Business Scenario >

End-User Procedures

The following list shows tasks end users typically perform when managing subject activity payments. These tasks are typically performed in the following order:

  1. Adjust payment amounts for individual sites. For more information, see Setting Payment Exceptions for a Site.
  2. Mark activities completed for payment. For more information, see Marking Subject Activities Completed
  3. Make final adjustments and generate payments. For more information, see Adjusting Payment Amounts and Generating Payments for Sites.
  4. Optional: Make ad hoc payments. For more information, see Generating Ad Hoc Payments for Sites.
  5. Roll up paid amounts. For more information, see Rolling Up Paid Amounts to the Protocol Level.

 Siebel Life Sciences Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003