Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > CORBA Quick Reference >

CORBA Interfaces and Unicode

Methods available to CORBA also have wide versions available (suffixed with a "W"). The wide versions behave identically to the original interfaces, except that string parameters are passed as "wide" strings, which are UTF-16 encoded. Rather than throwing SiebelException, the wide versions throw SiebelExceptionW, which is the wide version of an exception.

These examples from the Siebel Interface Definition Language file (scorba.idl) illustrate the difference between regular and wide syntax:

string                     GetFieldValue(in string FieldName)
                                 raises (SiebelException);

wstring                    GetFieldValueW(in wstring FieldName)
                                 raises (SiebelExceptionW);

string                     GetFirstProperty()
                                 raises (SiebelException);

wstring                    GetFirstPropertyW()
                                 raises (SiebelExceptionW);

string                     GetNextProperty()
                                 raises (SiebelException);

wstring                    GetNextPropertyW()
                                 raises (SiebelExceptionW);

void                      InvokeMethod(in string method,
                                 in SiebelPropertySet inputs,
                                 out SiebelPropertySet outputs)
                                 raises (SiebelException);

void                      InvokeMethodW(in wstring method,
                               in SiebelPropertySetW inputs,
                               out SiebelPropertySetW outputs)
                                raises (SiebelExceptionW);

 Siebel Object Interfaces Reference 
 Published: 18 June 2003