Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > Siebel Programming Tools > Supported Uses of Siebel Programming Languages >

Business Rule Definition

The Siebel programming languages let you extend data validation beyond what is already provided for in the standard Siebel application. The unique validation requirements of a business can be satisfied by custom extension routines that implement the specific business rules prior to performing record manipulation operations, such as record write or record delete.

Data validation routines may incorporate validations based on data from sources within or outside the Siebel application. For example, a validation routine may verify that an opportunity revenue amount is greater than zero if the probability of the opportunity is more than 20 percent using internal Siebel data. Alternatively, an extension routine could verify the availability of a conference room prior to inserting a new activity record by reading the information from another application's database table.

The Siebel programming languages provide data manipulation capabilities that can be used to modify data, such as updating, inserting, and deleting records. For example, a custom routine can be used to set the value of one field based on the value of another before a new record is created. A custom routine could thus be used to set the value of opportunity probability based on a stage in the sales cycle, simplifying data entry.

The methods used to support data manipulation provide error notification. The Siebel programming language is notified of the error and has access to information so you can handle the error and take appropriate action.

Data manipulation methods in the Siebel programming languages conform to the same visibility rules as the standard Siebel applications user interface. For example, if a business object is readable but not editable because of visibility rules in the Siebel applications user interface, the same is true when you are accessing the object through the Siebel languages. These languages cannot circumvent the visibility rules or the security constraints enforced by the standard Siebel applications.

 Siebel Object Interfaces Reference 
 Published: 18 June 2003