Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Business Service Methods Reference > Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods >

Logical Delete

This is one of the Product Manipulation Toolkit Business Service Methods.

It converts any item of a product instance that has a Deleted action code to an Update action code and an Inactive status. Logical Delete only works with a product instance of the Order type. In other words, the Integration Object passed in the SiebelMessage is based on the Order Entry business object.



[in] ID of the object to be loaded. If this optional argument is provided, the SiebelMessage argument is ignored. (Optional)


[in] Primary argument if there is no Object Id. This must be an Order type input. (Required)


[out] Result of the logical delete.


This method takes a complex object as input. It goes through the hierarchy of the complex object and changes all Deleted action codes to Update. Then, it sets the status of the associated line items to Inactive.

See Also

Workflow SIS OM Apply Completed Service Order Line Item to Service Profile.

 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications 
 Published: 18 April 2003