Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Sharing Data With Partners > Sharing Master Data with Partners >

Assigning Price Lists to Partner Companies

In order for a partner to access your company's products, you must assign it a price list as well as a buying catalog.

Buying catalogs are catalogs that contain products you sell. They are set up in the same way as other catalogs, which were discussed earlier in this section. For example, you can give different internal divisions and partners access to different buying catalogs in the same way that you give them access to different literature catalogs. A buying catalog must have the value "Buying" in the Catalog Type field.

CAUTION:  If you do not set the Catalog Type to Buying, users will be able to see Products in the InfoCenter and All Product Lists View, but they will see an empty Catalog screen.

Buying catalogs do not contain prices. Price lists are stored separately from buying catalogs to give you greater flexibility. You could use this flexibility in several ways, for example:

Price lists should contain prices for every product; products will only be visible if they are included in the price list as well as in the catalog. Each partner should be assigned a price list; you can assign the same price list to multiple partners, or assign a unique price to each partner if necessary.

For more information about creating pricing models and price lists, see Pricing Administration Guide.

To assign a price list to a partner organization

  1. Make sure the price list to be assigned has already been created in the Siebel Partner Manager or some other Siebel eBusiness application.
  2. Navigate to the Partner Administration screen.
  3. From the Show drop-down list, choose Registered Partners.
  4. Select the record for the partner company that you want to assign a price list.
  5. Click the Price Lists view tab.
  6. The Price Lists list appears.

  7. In the Price Lists list, click the menu button, then click New Record.
  8. The Add Price Lists dialog box appears.

  9. Select the price list you want to assign to the company, and click OK.
  10. The Price Lists list appears with the price list that you selected added to it.

 Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003