Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel Web Client for Performance > Best Practices for Siebel Web Client Tuning >

Managing the Browser Cache

Some types of Siebel application elements are stored in the browser cache, to improve performance when users log in or access Siebel views.

NOTE:  When measuring performance, you should take into account view layout caching or other types of caching. For example, performance is better when a Siebel view layout is retrieved from a cache than it is when the view layout is not cached and must be retrieved from the system. For more information, see Improving Performance Using View Layout Caching.

Cache usage varies according to what browser is being used, what applications are running, and application settings. For example, high interactivity applications use the browser cache more than standard interactivity applications.

For high interactivity applications, it is generally recommended that users do not clear their browser cache, including when the browser is closed. The following settings for Microsoft Internet Explorer are recommended:

For more information about browser settings for Siebel applications, refer to Siebel Web Client Administration Guide.

Caching in the browser is also subject to Web server settings controlling static file caching. For details, see Specifying Static File Caching.

 Performance Tuning Guide 
 Published: 24 October 2003