Performance Tuning Guide > Tuning Siebel eAI for Performance > Best Practices for Siebel eAI Tuning >

EAI Siebel Adapter Performance

Use the techniques described here to improve the EAI Siebel Adapter performance and throughput.

Reviewing Scripting

Avoid scripting events on business components used by the EAI Siebel Adapter. Perform any scripting task either before or after the EAI Siebel Adapter call, rather than within it.

For general scripting guidelines, see also Siebel Scripting Guidelines for Optimal Performance.

Disabling Logging

You should disable logging for performance-critical processes that are functioning correctly to gain about 10% faster performance. You can disable logging for the EAI Object Manager (or other applicable server components, such as MQ Receiver) by setting the BypassHandler server parameter to TRUE.

Minimizing Integration Object Size

The size of an integration object and its underlying business components can have an impact on the performance of the EAI Siebel Adapter. To minimize this impact, you can:

For more information, see Limiting the Number of Active Fields.

Setting Force Active to FALSE prevents the EAI Siebel Adapter from processing these fields. If you do not inactivate these fields, the EAI Siebel Adapter processes them even though they are not actually included in the integration object.

Analyzing SQL Produced by EAI Siebel Adapter

Requests to the EAI Siebel Adapter eventually generate SQL to be executed against the Siebel Database. By setting the event SQL to level 4 in the component running in the EAI Siebel Adapter, you can get a trace of the SQL statements being executed, along with timings for each statement.

You can get timings for each EAI Siebel Adapter operation by setting the event EAISiebAdptPerf to 4. Do this to correlate the EAI Siebel Adapter calls with their associated SQL.

After you have this information, look through the logs to find any SQL statements taking significantly longer than average. To improve the performance of such statements, look at the business component (perhaps eliminating unnecessary joins and fields) or at the physical database schema (perhaps adding indexes).

Running EAI Siebel Adapter in Parallel

A common technique to improve throughput is to run multiple instances of the EAI Siebel Adapter in parallel.

For the MQ Receiver, you do this by running multiple receiver tasks. For more information, see Improving IBM WebSphere MQ Transport Performance.

For the EAI Object Manager, you do this by setting the MaxTasks, MaxMTServers, and MinMTServers parameters, in order to run more threads (tasks) on more multithreaded processes for the EAI Object Manager component. Also start multiple simultaneous HTTP sessions. There is little interaction between each instance of the EAI Siebel Adapter.

If the Siebel Database Server is large enough, almost linear scalability of the EAI Siebel Adapter is possible until either the limits of the CPU or the memory limits of the Siebel Server are reached.

CAUTION:  If two sessions attempt to simultaneously update or insert the same record, one will succeed and one will produce an error. Therefore, when running the EAI Siebel Adapters in parallel, you need to prevent the simultaneous update of the same record in multiple sessions. You can prevent this by either partitioning your data or retrying the EAI Siebel Adapter operation where the error occurs.

Caching Business Objects

The EAI Siebel Adapter caches business objects by default. The default cache size is five objects. Using caching, subsequent runs on the adapter are significantly faster because the business objects do not need to be re-created for each run.

Use the BusObjCacheSize parameter on the EAI Siebel Adapter to change the size of the cache, if required. However, the five-object cache size is enough for most purposes. Making this number too large creates an unnecessarily large memory footprint.

 Performance Tuning Guide 
 Published: 24 October 2003