Siebel Personalization Administration Guide > Siebel Query Language > Functions >

Math Functions

Sum (mvfield)
Sums the values from a field in child records. The child record being summed from must be defined as a multivalue field that is part of a multivalue group that is associated with the business component of the field being summed to.
For example:

Sum ([Number of Employees])

gives the sum of all the employees at different locations for a company.
Count (mvfield)
Returns the number of rows in the multi-value group defined by the mvfield.
For example:

Count([Number of Employees])

gives the number of employees at different locations for a company.
ToChar (number, format)
Returns a string that converts a number to a format specified by the format parameter. For details on the supported formats, see Siebel Tools Reference.
For example:

ToChar (10, "##.##")

returns "10.00".
Min (mvfield)
Returns the minimum value from a field in child records. The child record being examined from must be defined as a multivalue field that is part of a multivalue group that is associated with the business component of the field being evaluated.
For example:

Min ([Number of Employees])

gives the minimum number of employees of all the locations.
Max (mvfield)
Returns the Maximum value from a field in child records. The child record being examined from must be defined as a multivalue field that is part of a multivalue group that is associated with the business component of the field being evaluated.
For example:

Max ([Number of Employees])

gives the maximum number of employees of all the locations.
InvokeServiceMethod (name, method, context, returnProperty)
Returns the value of the return property from the returnProperty set of the specified business service after invoking the method with the context.
For example:

InvokeServiceMethod ("BusServ", "PersonalizationMethod", "Key1=a,Key2=2", "ReturnProperty")

invokes the business service method PersonalizationMethod in business service BusServ passes it the context Key1=a,Key2=2 and returns the value set by the business service in the property ReturnProperty.
LN (num)
Returns the natural log of the num.
For example:

LN (10)

returns 2.30.
GetNumBCRows (BO, BC, search_expr, visibility)
Retuns the number of rows business component BC that is a part of business object BO has after applying the search_expr and visibility.
For example:

GetNumBCRows ("Contact", "Contact", "A*", "Organization")

returns the number of rows that match the criteria.

 Siebel Personalization Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003