Pricing Administration Guide > Setting Up Attribute-Based Pricing >

Decisions About Attribute-Based Pricing Table Design

To plan an attribute-based pricing table, begin by identifying the products and product attributes associated with the class for which you are developing the attribute pricing table. You may want to create a spreadsheet showing the products associated with each class, and the attribute pricing tables that use the attributes of each class.

Determine which attributes will be used for pricing. Some attributes necessary for customization have no effect on pricing. For example, some products may have a color attribute, because the user can select the color, but the color does not affect the price. Then, you would not use the color attribute in the pricing table.

NOTE:  When you use the class and attribute structure for pricing, the class structure and its associated attributes and lists of values (LOVs) should not be changed without coordination between the Siebel Product Administrators and ePricer Administrators.

After determining which attributes affect pricing, you must decide whether you need a single-attribute or multiple-attribute pricing adjustment table.

Single-attribute pricing-adjustment tables are relatively simple, and if this is what you need, you can go on to create it.

Multiple-attribute pricing-adjustment tables are more complex, and if this is what you need, you will have to make more decisions about their design.

 Pricing Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003