Pricing Administration Guide > Using Mappings in Pricing Factors >

About Mappings in Pricing Factors

A typical single type pricing factor compares some field in the current quote, order, agreement, or component-based product with a value that you specify. For example, a single pricing factor might give the customer a 10% discount if the total price of a line item in a quote is greater than $1,000. These comparisons use arithmetic operators (such as =, >, or <).

Single type pricing factors can also use the operators EXISTS IN or DOES NOT EXIST IN to compare some field in the current quote, order, agreement or component-based product with a field in another business component. When you choose these operators, you must do the mapping to specify the other business component and field.

Because mappings allow you to base price adjustment decisions on data in most Siebel business components, you can create specialized pricing adjustments such as the following:

NOTE:  Only single type pricing factors can use mappings. For more information about single-type pricing factors, see Creating Pricing Models and Pricing Factors.

 Pricing Administration Guide 
 Published: 18 April 2003