Product Administration Guide > Attributes with Business Component Domains >

About Attributes with a Business Component Domain

The Product Administrator has created a customizable product called Premier Service Package. The Product Administrator wants users to be able to select an account name when configuring the product.

This product has been assigned to a product class that has the attribute Account defined on it. Account has been added to a group in the Product UI Designer and will display in a selection page.

In the selection page, the Account attribute displays with a blank text field and a select icon. When the user clicks on the select icon, a dialog box displays containing available accounts. When the user selects an account, the account name is transferred to the Account text box.

In this scenario, the user was able to access a Siebel business component to display account records. When the user selected an account record, the account name field in the record was transferred to the selection page and became the value of the Account attribute. The domain of the Account attribute is the records retrieved by the business component and displayed in the dialog box, also called a pick applet.

Attributes with a business component domain differ from attributes with other domain types in several ways:

You associate a business component with an attribute using the same process as creating a pick applet in Siebel Tools, with the following modifications:

Assuming that the pick business component and pick applet are already defined in Siebel Tools, associating an attribute with a business component has the following steps:

  1. Add the attribute to a selection page. See Adding the Attribute to a Selection Page.
  2. Associate the attribute with a business component by defining UI properties on it. For information on these UI properties see About the UI Properties. For information on associating an attribute with a business component, see Associating the Attribute with a Business Component.

You can set up attributes so that selecting a value for one automatically selects the values for others. To do this see Setting Up Multiple Fields for Display.

You can constrain a pick applet so that it displays only the records having a specified field value.Creating a Business Component Field Constraint.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003