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About Rule Conditions

In the Rule Designer, many of the rule templates contain conditions or expressions. For example:

A condition is an explicit statement about the configuration. Conditions can play several roles in a rule template. First, they can act as a test that determines whether a rule is enforced. For example, you write the following rule:

Item A > 4 excludes Item B

This rule states that when the quantity of Item A is greater than 4 in the solution, then Item B cannot be present (is excluded). In this rule, "Item A > 4" is a condition that, when true, causes Item B to be excluded.

When a condition is used as a test, the eConfigurator engine evaluates the condition and returns true or false. If the condition is true, the rule is enforced.

Secondly, conditions can define a constraint. For example, you write the following rule:

Item B excludes Item A > 4

This rule states that when Item B is present in the solution, then the quantity of Item A in the solution cannot be greater than 4. In this rule, "Item A > 4" is a condition that defines a constraint.

Conditions can take several forms:

Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are provided in the Rule Designer to allow combining conditions together or to negate an expression used in a condition.

A third way to use conditions is when writing require or exclude rules about relationships. In the rule "item A requires Relationship B" the eConfigurator engine has no way to determine which items in Relationship B to add to the solution if the user picks item A. So when the user picks item A, the eConfigurator engine prints a message in the user's message area stating that a selection from Class B is required.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003