Product Administration Guide > Customizable Product Web Templates >

Modifying the Display Name of the Customizable Product

This section explains how to modify the customizable product name in the base theme. The base theme defines the basic page container within which the product theme displays. The base theme includes a header that contains the customizable product name that is stored in the Siebel database. You can define a UI property that changes the name of the customizable product or adds artwork or other formatting.

To change the name of the customizable product in a base theme, you insert a variable in the base theme Web template. This variable tells the Web Engine to get the item name from a defined UI property rather than using the customizable product name.

Here is the process for changing the display name of the customizable product:

  1. Create a new base theme template. You do this by saving a copy of the base theme template. Then you insert a variable name in the new template.
  2. Assign the new base theme template to the customizable product.
  3. Define a UI property for the customizable product. This value is what displays in the selection pages.

Create a New Base Theme Template

You must create a new Web template to customize the display name of the customizable product. You do this by copying an existing base theme template. Then you insert a UI property variable into the copy. Finally, you assign the new Web template as the base theme for the customizable product

To insert a UI property variable into a base theme Web template, you must locate the swe:control element that governs the display of the customizable product name. The base themes have the same basic layout:

To create a new base theme template

  1. Navigate to Product Administration.
  2. Select and lock the desired customizable product.
  3. In the Work Space record, click the select button in the Base Theme field and open the dialog box.
  4. In the Pick UI Style dialog box, write down the filename of the base theme.
  5. The filename is shown in the Template field. The filename ends in .swt.

  6. Open the Web template in a text editor and save it to a new filename.
  7. The Web templates are located in <install-dir>\webtempl (NT path syntax), where <install-dir> is the path to the Siebel installation directory. The new filename must end in .swt.

  8. In the new template, locate the swe.control element containing the CfgFieldName= "CxObjName" attribute.
  9. Replace "CxObjName" with a UI property variable name and save the file.
  10. The variable name must begin with a period (.). For example: ".NewProductName". Verify that the variable name is enclosed in quotes.

Assign the New Base Theme Template

To assign the new base theme template to the customizable product, you first add the template to the Pick UI Style dialog box. Then you select it as the base theme.

To assign the new base theme template to the customizable product

  1. In the customizable product Work Space record, click the select button in the Base Theme field and open the dialog box.
  2. The Pick UI Style dialog box appears.

  3. In the dialog box, click New and fill out the form for adding a new template and click OK.
  4. In the Pick UI Style dialog box, click the template you added and click OK.
  5. This assigns the new base theme template to the customizable product.

Define a UI Property for the Customizable Product

The last step is to define a UI property for all the customizable product.

To define a UI property for the customizable product

  1. From the Customizable Product Show menu, choose User Interface Property Designer.
  2. The User Interface Property Designer view appears.
  3. In the box displaying the contents of the customizable product, click the name of the customizable product. It is the first item listed.
  4. In Item Display Properties, click New.
  5. A new record appears.

  6. Fill out the record.
  7. Save the new record.
  8. Open the Item Display Properties menu and click Validate.
  9. This starts a configuration session. Verify that the customizable product display name is correct.

 Product Administration Guide 
 Published: 23 June 2003