Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Remote >

Event Tracing for Locking

Siebel 7.5 includes enhanced tracing capability for Remote and Replication Manager components. This will improve system diagnostics. Trace files track SQL statements the components issue and include some information about the task or function in progress at the time.

The addition of the locks to the tracing mechanism will display the reason locks were acquired, or released, for the designated components. A lock is a handle used by server components to determine which component has access to a specific object such as a DX file in the Transaction Processor directory. The inclusion of locks in the trace files provides additional information for troubleshooting problems. This will help administrators who are working with Siebel support staff to lessen the contention between critical server components for Remote and Replication Manager.

For example, assume there is a problem with the Transaction Processor (TXNPROC). It may be locking certain objects such as DX files in the docking directory and not releasing these. If you set the Log Level to 4 or 5, information about the locks will be captured in the log file for TNXPROC.

This functionality is for the Remote and Replication Manager server components on the HQ or regional nodes, and is not available to the mobile user. These components include:

Tracing and logging of locks for the components includes the following objects on the application server:

Use the standard Siebel event tracing mechanisms to enable the tracing for these locks. Logging is controlled by the trace level (level 4 or higher) of the component. The procedures that follow describe how to do this. This does not require restarting of the application server.

To set tracing for locks using the GUI

  1. Navigate to Server Administration > Components, and select the component you need to trace.

    Choices include the components listed above.

  2. Click the Component Event Configuration tab, and select the Event Type you want to trace.

    Use the Event Description field to help determine which Event Type to choose.

  3. In the Component Event Configuration list, set Log Level = 4.

    The log file for the component selected above will contain the tracing information.

    Repeat this procedure for additional traces of locks you want to trace.

To set tracing for locks using the command line

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003