Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Administering Siebel Remote > Monitoring Siebel Remote Operations >

Monitoring Siebel Remote Server Operation Status

Use the Server Manager to monitor Siebel Remote server tasks that are running or have completed by viewing their state values and statistics.

State values contain information about the current operation of a server task or the server component for which the task is running. Statistics are recorded at the task level for server tasks. When the task completes its operation, task-level statistics roll up to the component and server levels.

You can use the Server Manager to view the state values and statistics for Siebel Remote server components and tasks. For more information on state values, statistics, and the Server Manager, see Siebel Server Administration Guide.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003