Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Implementing Siebel Remote Server >

Choosing Assignment Manager Settings for Siebel Remote

Assignment Manager settings can affect which transactions are sent to a Siebel Remote client. In normal operation, Assignment Manager frequently updates the timestamps for large numbers of records, even if there are no other changes to many of those records. To avoid sending large numbers of transactions to a Siebel Remote client when the only change is to the timestamp, it is recommended that you set the LogTxnChgOnly parameter for the Assignment Manager component to TRUE.

When the LogTxnChgOnly parameter is set to TRUE, Assignment Manager transactions are logged only when there is a net change in assignments, such as a change in the membership of a team or a change in the primary for a team. This parameter only affects the Assignment Manager transactions, so record changes made by other means are logged and sent to Siebel Remote clients normally.

For information about configuring Assignment Manager component parameters, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003