Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Siebel Remote Concepts > Siebel Remote Server Components >

Transaction Router

The Transaction Router performs visibility checking and routing of transactions from the DX files created in the txnproc directory by the Transaction Processor.

Dock Objects and Routing

Routing rules determine the subset of Dock Object instances that Siebel Remote replicates to each Mobile Web Client. Dock objects are groupings of tables in the database that logically form Siebel business components. Dock objects are similar to business components.

Each dock object is classified according to a visibility level. The three classes are:

For an Enterprise visibility dock object, Siebel Remote sends all data in the object to the Mobile Web Client. For a Limited visibility object, Siebel Remote sends the object to a Mobile Web Client only if the instance is visible to the mobile user. Private dock objects are not routed to a Mobile Web Client from a Siebel server.

Siebel applications provide preconfigured user routing rules. As delivered, the Siebel routing rules encompass a combination of implicit security rules (based on responsibility) and assignment rules that determine a user's access to information.

If your deployment contains a large number of high level objects such as Assets, Accounts, or Activities, you may want to contact Siebel Expert Services to help reconfigure certain routing rules for optimal performance.

In Siebel 7.5 some Dock Objects were added, and some were dropped from those included in Siebel 7.0.4. Also, some visibility levels were changed. See Docking Object Changes for a listing of detailed changes in Dock Objects.

Administration of the Transaction Router

You must run at least one transaction router on each Siebel Remote server. For better performance, you should run multiple transaction routers on the same Siebel Remote server.

NOTE:  Changing the definition of organizations (positions and divisions) can cause routers to reevaluate visibility for objects related to the objects that have changed. This can affect the performance of the Transaction Router. To alleviate this situation, reextract all your Mobile Web Client databases.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003