Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Siebel Remote Concepts > Siebel Remote Data Store Components >

Local Database and File System

Mobile Web Clients use a local database to store data for user access. The local database contains Siebel application tables that store user data.

The local database also contains a local transaction log to store transactions created by the mobile user. Siebel Remote forwards these transactions to the Siebel Remote server when the client synchronizes. Do not directly modify the local transaction log under any circumstances. The Siebel Remote synchronization client automatically purges the local transaction log table when appropriate.

NOTE:  Users should run only one instance of a local database at any given time. In addition, users should defragment their hard drives regularly to optimize performance. For further instructions on the defragmentation process, follow your local policies.

Also, the local database is designed for only one user and does not support multiple logins to a single remote database.

Mobile Web Clients also use a local Siebel File System to store files from the Siebel File System. Mobile users can request specific files to download to their local File System during synchronization. Also, the Siebel administrator can specify files that should be published or distributed to mobile users. The Siebel Remote server retrieves the files from the Siebel File System and sends them to the local Siebel File System. These files are available when the mobile user disconnects from the Siebel Server.

Files that mobile users add to their local File Systems while disconnected are uploaded to the Siebel Remote server during synchronization. Then the Siebel Remote Server sends these files to the Siebel File System.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003