Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Extracting Databases for Mobile Web Clients >

Viewing Session Details on Mobile Web Clients

The Remote Status view displays information about database updates based upon the value of the system preference MRG:User Friendly Notification. For more details about system preferences that affect the way Remote manages database changes, see Setting Siebel Remote System Preferences. There are three applets in this view: Session Summary, Session Actions and Session Actions Details. The first two applets typically appear, while display of the Session Actions Details applet depends upon the activities of the synchronization session.

The previous synchronization details are archived on the local database and not stored on the server database. On [Local], the previous synchronization details could be found in the Site Map > User Preferences > Remote Status view. On [Server], only the latest synchronization details are stored. These can be referenced from views in the Siebel Remote Administration screen.

The lists below describe the fields in the three applets in the Remote Status View.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003