Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Setting Up Mobile Web Clients >

Using Routing Models

This section describes the Routing Models available to reduce the amount of data replicated to mobile users. For a majority of mobile users, the MOBILE CLIENT - STANDARD, MOBILE CLIENT - EXTRACT ONLY, or Executive Management routing model is adequate. However, for users who need to minimize their local database size, using one of the specialized routing models may be appropriate.

NOTE:  Before you deploy Siebel Remote with any of these specialized routing models, it is strongly recommended that you discuss this with a Siebel technical resource.

Routing models determine what data will be extracted to, and what follow-on transactions will be routed to, mobile users. By careful application of specific docking rules, local database sizes are reduced, and, as a result, so are synchronization times and transaction application times. The docking visibility rules determine which records from the server database are propagated to each mobile user.

The flexibility available through data routing models helps align more closely the extraction of data and routing of transactions with the specific needs of the mobile users. This helps minimize the size of the local databases and the connect time to download a database extract and to synchronize.

To match the data routed to mobile users assigned to some of the routing models, administrators can limit the views for these users. This functionality applies to mobile users assigned to the following out-of-the box routing models: Sales Rep Standard, Sales Mgr Standards, Field Technician, Analyst, Sr. Field Engineer, and Field Engineer.

For more information about limiting views available to mobile users and how to do this, see Limiting Views Available to Mobile Web Clients.

CAUTION:  Make sure Routing Models are consistent with the responsibilities and positions of the mobile users. The responsibilities and position of an employee determine the access that person has to the Server database. Balancing the data routing model with a user's access helps to optimize the size of that user's local database. This also helps to minimize synchronization time.

Each mobile user will be associated with one Routing Model. A Routing Model includes a set of routing rules. Union of the routing rules determines whether a record will be routed to a Mobile Web Client.

The descriptions that follow include the Routing Models available out-of-the-box.

Routing models also impact what data will be extracted to, and what follow-on transactions will be routed to, regional servers. See Routing Groups and Routing Rules. for more details regarding routing groups for regional servers.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003