Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Setting Up Mobile Web Clients > Setting Synchronization Preferences >

Using Autosynchronization

The purpose of autosynchronization is to improve the overall usability of the system by increasing the frequency of synchronization sessions. Frequent synchronization decreases the volume of transactions for each session and therefore shortens the average connect time.

The Autosynchronization Agent runs in the background at scheduled times to perform automatic synchronization when connected to the network.

Follow the procedure below to invoke autosynchronization and the available options. One of the options is a synchronization reminder that prompts the user to synchronize if a specified period passes without a synchronization session.

To enable autosynchronization

  1. Verify that the local database is initialized.
  2. Verify that the Siebel Autosync program was added to the Windows Startup Group during the installation process.

    If not, add it by copying it from the Siebel Program group. This allows the Auto Synchronization agent to start when the computer boots up.

  3. Log in to the local database, and navigate to User Preferences > DB Synchronization.
  4. Under Auto-Synchronization, define your options using the information below.
    Enable Auto-Synchronization check box
    Required to enable autosynchronization.
    User Confirmation check box
    Maximum Retries drop-down list
    Defaults to zero, but 2 or 3 is recommended.
    Maximum Network Latency drop-down list
    Sets a network latency that will prevent the autosynchronization agent from invoking a synchronization session. Required. The administrator establishes this policy. For example, at 56K the threshold may be 200 to 300 milliseconds or higher.
  5. Under Synchronization Frequency, select a frequency from the Synchronization Frequency drop-down list, then use the other fields to further define the frequency.
  6. Synchronization Frequency drop-down list values:
    Default is Empty. Same behavior as if autosynchronization is disabled.
    System boot up
    Perform next synchronization after the computer is started and operational. If no network connection is available, try again the next time the computer is rebooted.
    Mobile Client Start up
    Perform synchronization after the Mobile Web Client is started. If no network connection is available, try again the next time the client is started.
    Perform the synchronization every hour at the specified time increment chosen in the Hourly at picklist. If the computer is not operational at the specified time, then perform the synchronization at the earliest time when the machine is operational.
    Perform synchronization every day at the specified time entered in the Daily at field. If the computer is not operational at the specified hour, then perform the synchronization at the earliest time when the machine is operational.
    Perform synchronization every week on the specified day chosen in the Weekly On picklist, and at the specified time entered in the Weekly At field. If the computer is not operational at the specified time, then perform the synchronization at the earliest time when the machine is operational.
  7. In the Synchronization Reminder form, select the Enable Synchronization Reminder check box and select a minimum number of days from the Min Days Between Sync Sessions drop-down list to display the Synchronization Reminder dialog box when the Mobile Web Client is up and if the last synchronization was earlier than the "Minimum days between sync sessions."

    This will remind the user to perform synchronization. The reminder dialog will appear with the following text: "Perform database synchronization now?" The user can respond accordingly.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003