Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Implementing Siebel Replication Manager > Defining the Regional Node >

Registering a Regional Node

To register a regional node, use the procedure that follows.

To register a new Regional Node

  1. From the application-level menu, select View > Site Map > Siebel Remote Administration.
  2. From the Show drop-down list, select Replication Servers.
  3. In the Parent Server form, select the appropriate node as the parent.

    Usually, this is HQ.

    The Parent Server form shows the registered databases, whether they are Headquarters or Regional.

    The Regional Databases list shows regional nodes that are children of a parent database currently selected in the Databases list applet. Only the Headquarters Database or a Regional Database can be the parent of another database; a Siebel Remote mobile database cannot be a parent.

  4. In the Regional Databases list, click the menu button and select New Record.
  5. In the Database Name field, enter a name for the Regional Database, such as SIEBEL_EUROPE.

    NOTE:  The database name you specify can contain any alphanumeric characters (letters must be uppercase only), dashes (-), or underscores ( _ ). The name cannot include spaces, a period (.), or any special characters( / \ : * ? " < > |). The name cannot exceed 30 bytes (30 characters in a single-byte character set, or 15 characters in a double-byte character set). Three names are reserved and unavailable for use: TXNPROC, OUTBOX, and INBOX. The database name must be unique within the Headquarters Node and the Regional Nodes and need not match an existing database name.

  6. In the Description field, type a description of the Regional Database, such as "European Regional Database."
  7. Specify the Routing Group to which the Regional Database will belong.
    1. In the Routing Group field, click the select button.
    2. In the Pick Routing Group selection dialog box, select one of the following:
      • Regional Server - Full Copy
      • Regional Server - Standard

        The Full Copy option replicates all nonsystem data from the parent database to the Regional Database. Full Copy disregards routing rules. The Standard option uses routing rules to determine what data to replicate to the Regional Database. For more information about routing groups and routing rules, see Routing Groups and Routing Rules.

  8. In the Database Users field, select the Siebel users who will work as connected users against the Regional Database.

    NOTE:  Every mobile user on the regional node must also be a connected user, and at least one connected user for the Regional Node must be specified before the regional database can be extracted successfully.

    1. In the Users field, click the select button.
    2. In the Users selection dialog box, click New.
    3. In the Add Users list, select the appropriate user.
    4. Click Add.
    5. Repeat the above steps to add all users to the regional node.
    6. Click Close.

If the Regional Database will support mobile users, implement the steps in Adding Mobile Users to the Regional Database If the Regional Database will support only connected users, skip to Extracting the Regional Database.

 Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide 
 Published: 19 November 2003