Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Authentication Details > Authentication Options >

Remote Configuration

This option can be implemented in the following authentication strategies:

You can create a separate text file that defines some or all of the parameter values that configure a security adapter. The parameter values in the remote configuration file supplement or override those for the same adapter in a Siebel application's configuration file.

You can reduce administration by storing configuration parameters in a centralized location. Multiple applications' configuration files, on servers and on Dedicated Web Clients, can read parameters from this one location.

You can provide all configuration parameters in the remote configuration file or you can provide some parameters in the applications' configuration files and the balance of the parameters, such as those that are common among applications, in the remote configuration file.

The examples below show how a remote configuration file could be used to provide parameters for a security adapter that is implemented by Siebel eService in a Web SSO environment.

The following example is from the configuration file eservice.cfg:

[Security Adapters]

DllName = sscfldap.dll
ServerName =
Port = 391
BaseDN = "ou=people,"
UsernameAttributeType = uid
PasswordAttributeType = userPassword
CredentialsAttributeType = credentials
SharedCredentials = "uid=shareduser, ou=people,"
UseRemoteConfig = \\it_3\vol_1\private\ldap_remote.cfg

The following example is from the configuration file ldap_remote.cfg:

SingleSignOn = TRUE
TrustToken = HELLO
ApplicationUser = "uid=APPUSER,,ou=people,,"
ApplicationPassword = YT>3#
EncryptApplicationPassword = TRUE

To implement remote security configuration, you must follow these guidelines:

For information about the Authentication Manager, see Siebel Authentication Manager.

For information about setting Siebel application configuration file parameters, see Siebel Application Configuration File Parameters.

Remote configuration is discussed in a usage context in Security Adapter Deployment Options.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003