Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications > Physical Deployment and Auditing > Restricting Access >

Database Server Access

Customers should define stringent policies for database access both at the account login level and at the network visibility level. Only authorized users (for example, approved database administrators (DBAs) should have system accounts (for root usage) and remote access to the server. On UNIX, it is recommended that you define netgroups to control access to database servers.

To restrict privileges to Siebel Server processes, assign an operating system account specific to the Siebel Server. This account should only have access to files, processes, and executables required by Siebel applications. The Siebel Server account should not be the root administrator.

On UNIX systems, the .rhosts file allows remote, root administrators to access other machines. To provide the appropriate level of access and control to the Siebel Server, it is recommended that you minimize the usage of .rhosts files.

 Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications 
 Published: 23 June 2003